I’ve been a teacher for 17 years and this is the best presentation I’ve ever seen at Convention!
You are amazing! Your sacrifice is truly inspirational, your selflessness is unbelievable…
Very moving, thank-you for sharing. I learned a lot!
Thank-you for sharing your story. I admire your strength. Your Dad would be so proud of you
Thank-you for sharing your story. You are making a difference. I hope you reach many more people!
This is the most meaningful, amazing presentation I’ve ever witnessed. our dedication, resiliency and preservation are admirable. You are a hero, advocate and champion. Thank-you for doing what you do!
Thank-you for the presentation. I just wish more people could hear this story!
This presentation need to be every school!
Amazing presentation – this needs to be repeated at convention again next year!!
Thank-you for being so brave and doing something so valuable in our schools!
Thank-you for sharing your story and reminding us about how every choice we make could impact someone.